Apr 8, 2014

Microsoft Kinect: A Joke

When you're dying of thirst any drink of water will do, but once quenched, and nourished - only the purist water suffices

Even the spokes spinning news for Machinima (shout-out: @BruceGreene and @AdamKovic) decree that the Kinect is basically a waste of money for the hard-core community.

And of course who can ignore the effervescent, Peter Molyneux, and his colorful choice of words regarding the Kinect; a reflection of internal angst to which many hard-core gamers most surely empathize with.

You can watch 'em rapping all lyrical about it down below.

Separate quotes of two people that would have been more interesting if they'd taken place between the themselves. In FPS - For your viewing pleasure

Fondle the image for a closer look at the faux convo - between Peter Molyneux, and Phil Spencer:  NOTE**Taken from actual quotes

Yes, people will continue to relieve themselves of $450 - 500/300£ for an Xbox One -  hell, I'm one of them. However, what money-conscious, hard-core gamer wants to wait for MS to figure out how and when they want to sell a Kinect-less XB1?

Shit - they could probably do away with the Titanfall incentive, and still make good on dividends once, and if the fantasy ever happens.

I mean - come-on Microsoft - we get what you're trying to do, but  it should have been multiple choice all along.

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